Spirit Networking

Our Blogs & Web sites
Photo at top of the page was taken by John Weaver III, while fly fishing in British Columbia in 2005. The heart shaped
clouds with the pink rays were on the original film as developed. He photo-shopped the "I" and "U" onto the picture.   

Nothing is more practical than
Finding God, that is, than
Falling In Love
In a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
What seizes your imagination,
Will affect everything.

It will decide
What will get you out of bed
in the morning,
What you do with your evenings,
How you spend your weekends,
What you read, who you know,
What breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.

Fall in love, Stay in love,
And it will decide Everything.

Attributed to Pedro Arrupe, SJ

Fall In Love Today Forever!!!
Blame it on Love!
    Links to Personal Catholic Blogs of our members:

InforumBlog by Sheila Liaugminas
Sheila Liaugminas is an Emmy Award winning journalist with extensive experience in both the secular
and religious journalism. Her writing covers a variety of topics, with her particular interest being
matters of the Church, faith, culture, politics and the media.

The mission of the Daughters of St. Paul is to spread the Gospel via the most modern means of
technology. (Thus, the Pauline Bookstores.)
HERE to see a great video about the making of a movie
about the life of the founder, Blessed James Alberione.

Would you like some
nice music to
contemplate our
Mother while praying.
The Angelus
The Catholic Call to
Thanks to our cheerful
Daughters of St. Paul
(and Sr. Anne Flanagan
who took many of the
photos in addition to
singing) for this beautiful

You can buy the
Daughters CDs on line. I
have most of them, but
my favorite is
Handmaiden of the Lord.
Check them out  

    Links to the Business web sites of our members:
    Click on the Name of any Organization/Business to go to its web site.

Catholic Business Focus

"A Closer Look" by Sheila Liaugminas
A daily commentary that is encouraging, inspiring and elevating
that centers on human dignity.


Franciscan Outreach Association
Diana Faust, SFO, Executive Director
Emergency overnight Shelter at
Franciscan House of Mary & Joseph
A dining room and supportive services at the Marquard Center
A Case Management Program where trained case managers help their guests.

Pauline Media & Books
Sr. Helena Burns & Sr. Anne Flanagan
172 North Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60601
(between Lake and Randolph in the Loop, 1/2 block north of Millennium Park)
Parking: available at Millennium Park ($) or directly behind us on Wabash ($)
For information or to place an order:
Phone: 312-346-4228
Fax: 312-346-3554
E-mail: chicago@paulinemedia.com
Regular Hours:
Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm

Department of Stewardship & Development
The Archdiocese of Chicago
Lea Dacanay, Vicariate Stewardship Consultant

Word on Fire   
This the website of Father Robert Barron,  one of our foremost (and young) Catholic Theologians.
Check out this web site for
  • Word on Fire TV
  • some great homilies,
  • podcasts and
click here for a new trailer on
The Catholicism Project.

Liturgy of the Word
Denise C. Thompson
(Training for Lectors)
"His words are meant to teach, inspire and move us all. They are filled with meaning, love and passion.
This is why those that have the privilege of proclaiming God's Word should be skillfully trained and coached
to bring forth these emotions and plant the seeds of God's message into the hearts of His people."  If the lectors
at your parish leave you thinking "ho-hum" or "what in the world did he or she say???," you should contact Denise.

St. Peter's in the Loop
Carolyn Jarosz, Activities Director

Regular Business Focus

Art of Business Communication
Joann Dobbie, President

Caring Hearts for Seniors
Mary Gail Redding, President

Traders Group, Inc.
Caridad Garcia-Manns (Cari), President / International Markets Strategist

Links to the Charities and Catholic Organizations We
Support with our Time, Talent and Money as
(i.e. not just the ones we write checks to... but the ones we are passionate enough
about to invest our money and ourselves! We serve as Board Members, Officers
or devote a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF TIME to these organizations, although
many others are dear to our hearts and supported by our checkbooks...)   

Mission of Our Lady of the Angels
Chris Frailey, Kate O'Leary, Alicia Torres, Liz Trantowski, Linda Weaver
(and many others)

Little Brothers- Friends of the Elderly
Patty Ryan, Board Member

This site was unveiled on June 14, 2010.
More links are being added (...okay when I have time....
being a doer means I have lots of things to do...)
Thanks to Audrey for
sending this music to
"Come to Jesus."

I like the artwork too!
A reminder that we are
all on this journey
Click Here
From silly devotions
and from sour-faced
saints, good Lord,
deliver us.

-Teresa of Avila
To argue over who is the more noble is nothing
more than to dispute whether dirt is better for
making bricks or for making mortar.
-- Teresa of Avila
True perfection consists in the love of God and our neighbour, and the
better we keep both these commandments, the more perfect we shall be.
- Teresa of Avila
And of course, since
they are media nuns
dedicated to spreading
the Gospel by the most
modern means of
technology, you can
also get Apps for
iPhone and iPouch

While observing (or trying to observe) the Original Ten Commandments,
you might also want to consider these.   Mother Theresa apparently loved them.

The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down
by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.